NEER North
52 Ash Street, West Newbury, MA 01985


Horse & Donkey Adopter Testimonials

Lightening in a Bottle

It’s said that you only catch lightening in a bottle once.  With NEER North, I captured it four times, given the adoption of two senior mares and a bonded mother/daughter pair of donkeys. Each time, I had full confidence that I was adopting a gem and that the information provided by NEER was accurate and...
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Woman nuzzling horse in a barn

NEER Made the HARDEST Decision of Our Lives Just a Bit More Tolerable.

When our family faced an unexpected crisis and were FORCED to make the unbearable decision to let our Morgan leave our family, NEER made it bearable for us. They will NEVER understand the magnitude of how thankful and grateful we will ALWAYS be to them for making the HARDEST decision of our lives just a...
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Followup from Happy Adopter

Happy holidays Mary! I hope you and all the NEER animals have a wonderful holiday! I cannot thank you enough for bringing Pete into my life. He is the best pony I’ve ever had, even with his occasional attitude ☺️. He is the barn favorite and everyone has to snuggle with him when they come...
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Happy New Adopter

Hi Mary! I just wanted to send you a few Pete pictures from the past few weeks. He has been doing so well! We took him on his first off property trail ride and he loaded without a bit of trouble! He is also picking up his feet like a champ every day. Everyone absolutely...
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Email from Horse Owner in Need

Hello NEER North/Mary, Thank you so much for posting Oscar’s profile on your horses looking for homes page and for forwarding my original email to Kelly.  Oscar seems to have found his forever home with them and his new donkey friend Vinny. We really appreciate your assistance in helping us find Oscar a home.  If...
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You have truly been my saving grace!

I would like to begin by saying thank you to your wonderful program and staff and all who have donated to make the funds possible. I was 15 years old when my parents bought me a quarter horse to replace my tb who passed away. At 15 years old I never had to worry about...
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Adoptable Horses & Donkeys

Peggy & Arizona